Sunday, January 26, 2020

The public policy

The public policy The success of public administrators is intertwined with both their skills and their applied approaches to varying issues. While the capability of addressing problems and concerns are among the determinants of an effective public administrator, the success of his/her endeavors rely on several factors some of which includes the philosophy in elitism, the tactical and strategic use of the bureaucratic processes, the influence of interest groups and a combination of any of the said approaches. Among the approaches that can be applied in public policy is the elitist viewpoint. Elitism is defined as a selective group of individuals which possess unique and distinct personal abilities, intelligence, affluence and influence. Individuals characterized as elitist are perceived to possess particular ideas on issues that hold the most significance ideal. In a public administrators work, the elitist perspective may provide limitations to his/her circle of interests primarily because the elite are among the minorities in a democratic society. Since the introduction of the concept, elitism has been iinterrelated with the concept of democratic concepts. Aristotles view of the democratic concept as a thought that divided political systems into three forms the rule by one, rule by a few and rule by the many, were dismissed by primary elitist theorists Gaetano Mosca and Robert Michels. The theorists also criticized Karl Marx emphasis on the class struggle and the eventual success of the working class will lead to a classless society, arguing that no such society will exist and the struggle will never end. The classical elitist theory possesses several weaknesses. The said theory did not merely argued that the socially recognizable people in a country made its important decisions, it also asserts that the common man regardless of their number does not provide such decisions. While the societys elite is generally perceived as a stable and constant entity, the individuals in office changes thus reflecting the necessity to view the elites as an encompassing term that includes the individuals with the influence over the government and individuals which are in the position to govern. Another approach in public policy is based on the institutional theory. The said theory focuses on the government structure, in particular its formal and legal aspects particularly its structural arrangements, policies on decision making and its legal powers and authority. The institutional theory emphasizes the significance and role of structures and rules in the policy process including the level of influence of policy makers within the process. Public policy can be influenced by a number of institutions. Among these institutions are the national, state and local government, corporations and interest groups. The markets are also an influential entity in public policy as well as foreign political regimes. Institutional approach in public policy provides more complex circumstances because of the formal government structure and the procedural rules and process are used as a means to hinder or empower political interests. Among the cases in which the institutional theory can be applied is the legislation of the Farm Bill of 2002 which indicates the power play within the Senate. The constitution mandates that each state shall have two senators therefore granting a larger voting power for less populous states than the more populous states of New York and California. The third approach in public policy is the Group theory. The theory views the public policy as a result of a continuing struggle among interest groups. Supporters of this theory are often referred to as pluralists. Such individuals believe that interest groups possess a share of power within the country, emphasizing that the power particularly in policy making is pluralistic rather than being controlled by the elites. A practical example of the Group theory is the case of labor unions against the interests of the private sector. Labor unions organizes lobbying campaigns to executive and legislative officials and calls on the general public through formulating and applying advocacy campaign plans. Such efforts is undertaken as a means to ensure the balance of the policy making process. However, there are several existing arguments against the Group theory. The theory has been criticized for undermining the leadership capacity of the public officials and exaggerating the role of interest groups in policy making. Interest groups have often been used by public officials to promote and publicize their own interests while attracting support for policy initiatives. Another approach is the Plurality or Rational Choice Theory which is often referred to as the Public Chose and Formal Theory. The said theory has been applied to questions regarding public policy. A working assumption of the Rational theory is that individuals are rational actors which possess tendencies to maximize their self-interests. Using this theory, analysts study the values of individual, perceptions on a specific issue, information related to the case, as well as expectations on other individuals. Applied in the public policy process, the individuals include the voters, the lobbyists, legislators and government officials. Using the theory, individuals can critically assess and identify motivations of public officials, their interests i.e. re-elections and other personal interests which often translates to their attitude towards public policy. Similar to the previous theories, the Rational Choice Theory contains its set of weaknesses. Critics have argued that in reality, individuals are not single minded creatures which pursue only their self-interests. The theory is also said to provide minimal emphasis on the individuals willingness to engage in collective pursuits i.e. participating in public interest groups or community organizations.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Eng 125 Introduction to Literature the Secret Life of Walter Mitty

ENG 125 Introduction to Literature The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and The Story of an Hour share many a like factors and several differences. The major points involved in these stories demonstrate love with in a relationship of marriage but in different ways. Both women share a common bond of tolerance and absence towards certain things in their marital life. The men tend to share similarities from their wives being who they are as women and being concerned about their husbands well being. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and The Story of an Hour share many a like factors and several differences.The major points involved in these stories demonstrate love with in a relationship of marriage but in different ways. Both women share a common bond of tolerance and absence towards certain things in their marital life. The men tend to share similarities from their wives being who they are as women and being concerned about their husbands well being. The men in literary works are similar beca use they both have women in their life whom care much about them. Although displayed through different actions it is very evident that both these women are deeply in tune with their other half.During the study and exploration of the traits and characteristics of each person, the stories give the opportunity for great evaluation of the pros and cons of caring and affection with marital traits. While each relationship is maintained and appreciated in dissimilar ways loving acts of kindness are continuously shown. The men in literary works are very different but they both have women in their life whom care much about them. Although displayed through different actions it is very evident that both these women are deeply in tune with their other half.Exploring the traits and characteristics of each person, the stories give the opportunity for great evaluation of the pros and cons of gender and marital traits. While each relationship is maintained and appreciated in dissimilar ways loving acts of kindness are continuously shown. Each of the literary pieces are written and described from different points of view. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is written by a man, James Thurber in omniscient third person point of view. This allows the narrator to tell and describe his own thoughts of the character as the story proceeds.With Mrs. Mitty it’s not so much the same, her thoughts are given with her own words in plain form. With The Story of an Hour it also written by a woman, Kate Chopin in third person point of view also, but it is considered to be known as third person limited omniscient. â€Å"This is a point of view when the thoughts and feelings of only one of the characters are related through the narrator. An external narrator who takes a detached approach to the action and characters, usually to create a dramatic effect, and does not enter into their minds is using an objective point of view. (Journey into Literature 2010) The story is told from only one ch aracter thoughts through the whole story. Although the story has more than one character the reader understands the concept with only the main characters thoughts and emotions. The Story of an Hour is considered to be a work of poetry according to the book Journey into Literature while The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a short story. I would have to agree that both of the writings are short stories and neither one should be considered poetry. The title alone lets the reader know this is story and not poetry.Both stories are short and made up of a series of short paragraphs, each of these pieces of work are descriptive in the writing style the author has chosen. They both give great detail and lots of information. Poetry can have all the same elements but poetry may consist of the reader gathering a perception of the message being relayed. These short stories give insight to every step, feeling, and emotion as the stories unfold. The author gives a play by play of who is involved, w hat happened, why it happened, how it happened and what the final outcome is or was.In The Story of An Hour since all events occur in only one hour there is not much time for major flashbacks, or history of characters. Most thoughts in the story are brief but very literal in explanation; although short a clear understanding is still valid. With The Secret Life of Walter Mitty does not happen in one hour but during a couple of hours out of the day. The same situation applies in this story not much time to elaborate on things of the past or how they got that way, but it does give enough great detail to determine the role and habits of the characters involved.Each story ends differently with certain breaking points throughout each piece of the literary works. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty has no climax to the ending but instead the story ends just as it started. Mr. Mitty begins with a daydream and the story ends the same way with a day dream. This is an ordinary man who embarks and embraces doing extraordinary things in his own mind. His mind flutters with fantasies, that let him become whoever he likes at that moment. In my opinion this could be connected to the relationship he has with his wife. Mrs.Mitty can tend to a bit bossy and over bearing at times which could put Mr. Mitty in a bad place. His solution to the issue could be to zone out and find a place in mind to escape the pressure of reality. Mrs. Mitty can be seen as the person in the relationship who often takes the leadership role, but we have to conclude at what cost. She is simply a woman who knows the type of man she has been married to for sometimes and knows his qualities. It may appear she is being hard on him, but she is only doing her wifely duties by keep keeping her husband on track.In Mitty’s habitual daydreaming he often considers and imagines himself a completely different person, than he really is in everyday life. He has become of importance in most cases, a hero, someone who matters. Once the day dreaming is over and Mrs. Mitty, who is always there to bring him back to reality, he returns to being just a regular forgetful and very passive husband. Mitty seems to want to be better and do better but he knows this cannot be accomplished alone. So even though he dislikes the way his wife shows her feeling towards him at times, he accepts it knowing it is beneficial to him.A perfect symbol used would be the window, which Louise looks out as she is deep thought about the circumstances she is now faced with. The window represents freedom, almost like a clear view of what takes place. â€Å"But when Mrs. Mallard hears the shocking news, she undergoes a profound transformation that empowers her with a â€Å"clear and exalted perception†Ã‚   (The Explicator 2011)Mrs. Mallard is trying to hold it together as she gazes out of a window all while telling herself be free. She felt something major was about to happen but she was unsure of what it was.The windo w is symbolic to knowing there is an outside view but not really being certain of it is out there. The story even explains to us that she was â€Å"drinking in a very elixir of life though that open window† (Kate Chopin (1894) Journey into Literature 2010). Being connected with the window as a symbol this statement alone can bring us to the conclusion she was experiencing a feeling leeriness and had mixed emotions. The symbolic themes in the story of Mitty would consist of overshoes he gloves, and the tire chains. They all represent Mrs. Mitty's control factors with her husband.She reminds him to purchase the over shoes in a demanding way. She also expresses her feeling about him driving the speed limit when she advises him to and slow down to 40 from 55. In addition, she requires him to take his car to a garage to have the snow chains on his tires removed. In Kate Coplins Story there is a climax involved. There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it. She did not know exactly what it was, but she felt deep in her spirit and soul. She was beginning to realize that something was approaching and was about to take over her. As she fought the feeling with her all her might it could not be avoided.When she abandoned herself a voice whispered â€Å"Free, free, free! † The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes (The Explicator 2003)  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Story of an Hour displays its love within a marriage through a wife’s heartbreaking and compelling thoughts after she has learned of her husband’s death. Louise and Brently Mallard are the couple that defines this love story. She is a very fragile woman who is also sickly which makes the news even harder to cope with. As her life flashes before and she is in deep thought about her husband, whom she no longer can share with peace becomes of her.She wonders if she can make it or how will go on with the sudden change. Her expression of is shown as she ponders and gazes out of window about a life she once knew. â€Å"There would be no one to live for her during those coming years; she would live for herself. There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow–creature. † (The Story of an Hour Journey into Literature 2010) At this point it is obvious all her life she imagined having her husband there through it all.The mood at this time gives the impression she may feel herself slipping away but still trying to hold it together. Had this woman not been so deeply in love and concerned about her husband of course none of this would have e affected her the way it did. At one point in time she sits in a chair allows her head to drop back and just thinks. These are both example of pure and true love. We know that both stories were created and developed as short stories but they differ in the kind of short story they represent. The Story of an Hour is very serious and somewhat tragic story.It could also be considered a drama based on the fact it is about love, and the loss of a beloved spouse and also death. The author also wrote this work in the form of suspense of teasing kind of way. While Mrs. Mallard has an emotional epiphany, it challenges the reader to wonder if she is going to make it. The reader could draw the conclusion that maybe she won’t make it without her husband, and the story could end in two deaths instead of just one. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is far from a tragedy, it’s actually the complete opposite. This story takes on more of comedic role than anything.The author takes a creative and playful approach with this particular story. The mind boggling of Walter can be quite humorous once you get more involved in the story and especially if you the story more than once. Another part I thought was funny was when Mr. and Mrs. Mitty would snap at each other when of the two were voicing their opinion about something. For instance if Mrs. Mitty caught Walter drifting away in his mind she would remind him of his daily tasks. Instead of Walter looking at it as if she was showing her affection by keeping him on the right path, in his mind he viewed it as if she was fussing or nagging.In actually had she not reminded him of certain things at certain times it probably wouldn’t get done. It reminds me of an old couple, which they were , where both parties think they have all figured out and don’t really need the other one. In this case they both need each other, Mrs. Mitty more than likely would have nothing to do if she didn’t have to watch her husband all day, and Walter would spend all his time in another life if Mrs. Mitty wasn’t by his side. It’s just pure old fashion, sweet, and romantic love that has grown into this over time.In my opinion its cute and sweet. The example of love demonstrated in The Se cret Life of Walter Mitty is not the same at all. While the affection is still there Walter Mitty and his wife Mrs. Mitty do things a little different. Mrs. Mitty takes on more of a caretaker role in this union. Walter has the habit of becoming side tracked extremely easy. Daydreaming is known to be his source of how his mind wonders and drifts away from real life. â€Å"Mitty daydreamed of a more exciting life as he went about his errands. He became a war hero, or a doctor or an excellent marksman.His daydreams, however, were always interrupted by his wife, bystanders or other realities of life† (Bismarck Tribune2010) His wife constantly has to remind him of things that need to be done, which he hates by the way. His wife projects her love towards her husband in more of mother son type relationship. She knows what he needs and also knows he is very hard headed about getting it done. â€Å"Remember to get those overshoes while I'm having my hair done,† she said. † I don't need overshoes,† said Mitty. She put her mirror back into her bag. â€Å"We've been all through that,† she said, getting out of the car. You're not a young man any longer† (The Secret life of Walter Mitty Journey into Literature 2010) This conversation between Mitty and his wife describes his feelings towards his wife continuously giving him instructions to abide by. At times he may not like it but her thoughts and devotion are strictly out of love. Just as any relationship if one party does not care then nothing will be mentioned or done to diffuse the situation. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty shows a marriage in which the wife is dominating, and controlling, Mitty, is very passive, and submissive, and under his wife's thumb.The Story of an Hour shows a marriage in which the wife feels as if she may not make it without her husband, who is obviously supportive and much needed. In one story the husband is needed an in the other the wife is needed. Regard less to who needs who the unions cannot be complete with one missing piece. Mitty nay have not admitted it or showed it but with Mrs. Mitty he would be lost and living in a fantasy world. Mrs. Mallard admitted and expressed that needed to her husband to survive, for in the end it was his passing and presence for the reason as to why she died. .

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ww2 Essay Topics Fundamentals Explained

Ww2 Essay Topics Fundamentals Explained Thus, the very first thing you must do is research the papers already written on the topic. Someday you are going to see your Largeness and your Beauty. Considering that the Second World War is among the most important events in the history of mankind, it opens up lots of possibilities, when it has to do with writing essays. When you're assigned a research paper on World War 2, you will have lots of topic choices to pick from. If you need to decide on a great theme from many of Cold War essay topics, you ought to be prepared to undertake research of the history, and spend plenty of time and careful consideration on your writing. The development of the views of J.L. Gaddis on the source of the Cold War. Nearly all of this report is devoted to listing history topics that are perfect for essays, but first, it's important to get an easy process for using a list of potential essay topics similar to this. Season Pass content could be sold separately. The very first and among the most important step to begin your essay is to select a topic. But, you're breaking up your essay into smaller portions to make it simpler to write. Even at the right time of introduction, the Sherman was really nothing to become excited about. When attempting to write like an expert writer you would like your work to look its finest. Each move becomes a succession of puzzles. You can't research something in case you haven't decided what exactly you're searching for. All these things can be employed to assist you locate a topic that you truly love, something which ignites the passion fire inside of you. Writing about something you're interested in will make the entire process easier because you are going to be in a position to motivate yourself to get the job done. WWII had a remarkable effect on the world and there's a whole lot of information out there. It's pointless to study listings of present works on WW2 since there are too many. WW2 and Military Items are a very good seller if you discover the perfect stuff. Backing up the story is a wonderful FPS game. A Secret Weapon for Ww2 Essay Topics Generally speaking, Germany managed to stand up and locate some financial stability. Neuter Germany to the point at which it couldn't begin a war. France was desperately attempting to get high-performance air craft in the USA in 1939. The Ultimate Ww2 Essay Topics Trick Regardless of what format you've been requested to utilize in your paper, we be careful to observe this, and always inside your expectation of top quality. Bear in mind your prof may, obviously, have various ideas regarding what kind of assignment you ought to be writing. An outline can help you write your paper from beginning to end. You should be attentive while deciding upon the topic that is most suitable for your line of inquiry. Gas prices are an exceptional instance of supply and demand. Season Pass content might not be available in all nations, and pricing and release dates may change by platform. Offer might not be combined with different offers. Who Else Wants to Learn About Ww2 Essay Topics? You must limit your topic first, so that you're able to proceed to research one specific subject of the overall subject. The policy worked to a level, but finally, started to backfire. Base this decision on your individual interests. Contemplating the amount of battles and strategic plans and countries involved, locating a good topic shouldn't be difficult. In order to do a leadership analysis of Adolf Hitler, one has to comprehend the compelling facets of his personality. Or the discussion might concentrate on one specific group (for example, millennials) and the way in which they affect the economy. The development of the Holocaust. Concentrate on the effects of the Holocaust for each nation in addition to pay your focus to the outcomes for the mankind.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

George Orwell s 1984 And Animal Farm - 1983 Words

George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm shares a fundamental theme and common elements that shape the idea of an Orwellian society. Orwellian is widely described as a society in which the liberties of all are diminished due to authoritarian rule. Orwell conveys the theme of â€Å"Many believe that man’s actions result from his free will, the presentation/perception of what is fact, remains dominant over society s actions.† through parallel elements of repression of information, fear propaganda, and language. Orwell examples in both novels how the party uses the truth to exercise the most control over the citizens, through the efforts to repress and change information. This is similar to Squealer in Animal Farm where he manipulated the†¦show more content†¦Similarly, in 1984, Orwell writes to the common element where Winston is reminiscing the role of the Ministry of Truth in Oceana. This common element is displayed by Winston’s statement, â€Å" In this way every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to have been correct, nor was any item of news, or any expression of opinion, which conflicted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to remain on record. All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary† (Orwell, â€Å"1984† 35) First and foremost, his statement of â€Å"In this way every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to have been correct† shows how in order to wield the most control over its citizens the party edits history to perceive to the public that its records are never incorrect. Making the party s image better, allowing them to attract more people that support them as they are always successful and correct in what they say and do. Additionally, Orwell states that â€Å"†¦nor was any item of news, or any expression of opinion, which conflicted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to remain on record.† Exhibits how the party is in another facet controls the perception of the truth by the repression of thought that is not consistent with the government s viewpoints andShow MoreRelatedGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm And 19841948 Words   |  8 Pagesincluding Britain. George Orwell’s use of symbolism, metaphors, and allusions to help develop the ideals of totalitarian governments and their effects on society in his novels Animal Farm and 1984. Orwell uses symbolism to show various aspects of totalitarian governments in Animal Farm. The animal farm, or manor farm, is the plantation in which the animals all live and work on. Manor farm symbolizes various Human societies such as capitalists, socialists, and communists. Orwell uses this to showRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 And Animal Farm 1401 Words   |  6 PagesTitle/Author: 1984/ George Orwell Date of Publication/Genre: 1949/ Dystopian Fiction Biographical information about the author: George Orwell, who was originally Eric Arthur Blair was born in 1903 in British India. His two greatest novels include 1984 and Animal Farm. He is regarded as one of the greatest novelist of the 20th century. Historical information on the period of publication: During this period, the United Kingdom recognized the republic of Ireland. The United States claimed Israel asRead More Biography George Orwell Essay1135 Words   |  5 Pagesopinions like George Orwell. Orwell got to express his opinions in his writings. He wrote about the sociopolitical conditions of his time. For a man whose career started as a dishwasher, he came a long way to be known as the great author he is known as today. In this paper George Orwells early life, his variety of jobs before becoming a writer, his many successes and failures and some of his best known novels and critiques of them, and his sad death will all be discussed. George Orwell was born inRead MoreTotalitarianism in Orwells Mind Essay1053 Words   |  5 Pagesauthor George Orwell hates in government. 1984, a book written by Orwell, depicts a society called Oceania, in which unwary citizens are obedient to the Party, a totalitarian regime. Totalitarianism is defined as a political system in which a centralized government does not tolerate any form of political dissent and seeks to control many, if not all, aspects of public and private life. 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He is considered one of the most widely admired English-language essayists of the twentieth century. As Elkins points out, he is best known for the two novels that were written toward the end of his life: the anti-utopian political allegory Animal Farm and the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-FourRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell1545 Words   |  7 Pagesallow because an this elite institution of people often use this gear to dominate and oppress society. In George Orwell’s story, Animal Farm, Orwell demonstrates that education is a powerful weapon and is a device that can be used to at least one’s benefit. Living in a world where strength is a straightforward to benefit, the pigs quick use education to govern the relaxation of the animals on the farm to serve themselves worked to their advantage. Th is story in shows the underlying message that   firstRead MoreWhat Is The Importance Of Ignorance In Animal Farm1558 Words   |  7 Pagesallow because of this elite institution of people often use this gear to dominate and oppress society. In George Orwell’s story, Animal Farm, Orwell demonstrates that education is a powerful weapon and is a device that can be used to at least one’s benefit. Living in a world where strength is a straightforward benefit, the pigs quick use education to govern the relaxation of the animals on the farm to serve themselves worked to their advantage. This story in shows the underlying message that   first,Read MoreAnimal Farm And 19841457 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ George Orwell s views on totalitarian governments were not concealed from public view. He expressed his thoughts and opinions through his books. Among these books were Nineteen - Eighty -Four and Animal Farm, which were his works that most obviously portrayed his disfavor for totalitarian governments. Totalitarian governments are controlled by political authorities who have control of all aspects of society. Nineteen-Eighty-Four and Animal Farm are two different books that have different waysRead MoreAnimal Farm, By George Orwell876 Words   |  4 Pagesrebellious animals think no man means freedom and happiness, but they need to think again. The animals of Manor Farm rebel against the farm owner, Mr. Jones, and name it Animal Farm. The animals create Animalism, with seven commandments. As everything seems going well, two of the animals get into a rivalry, and things start changing. Food starts disappearing and commandments are changed, and the power begins to shift. Father of dysto pian genre, George Orwell writes an interesting allegory, Animal Farm